Would Michael Jordan Make a Good Pickleball Player?
#ThisWeekInPickleball really wanted to dig into this ‘Michael Jordan as a Pickleball Player’ topic during the ESPN airing of The Last Dance, a 10-part Docu-Series, that chronicles Michael’s last season with the Chicago Bulls; using never before seen footage and current interviews of Michael, his teammates, Bulls ownership and more to reflect on the 1998 NBA Playoff run to a sixth championship.
As such, we wanted to get two Investigative Experts from the worlds of Pickleball and Journalism to take on this Herculean task. These two experts would be your hosts, and walk you through each of the ten episodes; pulling back the curtain on the psychological layers and mindset behind the driving force of Jordan.
They would compare quotes and examples from each episode in the series, while contrasting what we know of Jordan’s mental moxie fused with his competitive drive, to dig into the real possibilities of Jordan, someday, playing Pickleball.
Those experts weren’t available, so we had to settle for Megan & Wolfe.
The Megan & Wolfe Show:

She’s Seriously Sarcastic.
He’s Irreverently Randy.
Together, you may not make Heads- nor-Tails of what they’re talking about, but you should have fun, trying to figure it out.
A Bear of an Interview with ‘Michael from the Bulls’
Join Megan & Wolfe as they score an interview with a player named Michael, who used to play with the Chicago Bulls. Can he shed any light on MJ playing Pickleball?

A Real Pickleball Expert Joins TWiPball, to discuss if the sport of Pickleball will ‘Like Mike’

#ThisWeekInPickleball was finally able to find a competent Pickleball Pundit, in the form of 2019 #Pickleball Hall of Famer, Steve Paranto.

As such, we dispatched Randall ‘The Reporter’, to put the hard questions to, an admittedly hard-core Pickle-Head and shed some light on whether or not Michael Jordan would make a good Pickleball Player.
Turns out, this isn’t the first time Paranto has wondered if an elite athlete would ever consider making the transition to Pickleball.